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Discover S&C Dental’s Receding Gums Treatment

As life gets busy, it’s easy to get complacent with your oral hygiene, especially if you’ve never had concerns with your oral health. Peeling skin, regardless of where it happens, can be concerning. Your gums are the key indicators of your body’s oral health. Oral mucosal peeling, or gum peeling, is a dental concern in which skin is sloughing off the soft tissue that lines your gums. When you notice your gums peeling, don’t hesitate to call on the professionals at S&C Dental in Scottsdale, AZ. It can be overwhelming to find this happening to you but don’t worry. We’ll work with you to find the best solutions to your concerns. Give us a call today to learn more.

What Is Gum Peeling?

Your mouth is covered by oral mucosal. This layer of skin tissue protects the inner layer of your mouth from infection and stray food particles. It also helps ensure infections cannot find roots in your mouth. Oral mucosal peeling, or gum peeling, is when this protective layer starts to peel away from your gums. This opens your mouth to a wide variety of infections. Other issues commonly accompany peeling gums. You’ll likely notice these issues before you discover your gums peeling, including:

  • Bleeding Gums
  • Discoloration Of Your Gums and Inside Your Cheeks
  • Texture Changes on Your Gums
  • Sores or Blisters Found on Your Gums


The Man in Severing with Pain Due to Gum Peeling in Scottsdale, AZ

What Causes Peeling Gums?

There are several causes of peeling gums, with periodontal disease being one of the most common. It could also be a reaction to something you’ve exposed your gums to throughout the day or even an immune response due to an underlying condition. Unlike sunburn, which is once and then done, oral mucosa peeling requires an appointment with our office. We’ll work with you to determine and treat the issue’s origin. Here is a list of some of the most common causes of oral mucosal peeling:

  • Toothpaste – Your toothpaste may be causing a chemical reaction that results in your gums peeling. If your toothpaste has a low pH, contains ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulfate, or is abrasive, you have a higher chance of your gums peeling daily. When you notice your gums peeling after brushing, this is a good indicator that your toothpaste is the root of your issue.
  • Gingivitis – Common gingivitis symptoms include red and puffy gums and an increased chance of bleeding. Depending on the severity of your periodontal disease, your gum tissue may recede and peel away. This is especially true after brushing your teeth and gums. Gingivitis will turn into gum disease if left untreated. We recommend scheduling routine cleanings to avoid this altogether.
  • Tobacco Use – Tobacco is known to cause gum peeling, among other dental complications. Other common issues include irritation of the roof of your mouth, changes in your mouth’s color, and possibly oral cancer. Oral cancer commonly resembles white patches on your gums and tongue.
  • Chron’s Disease or IBS – Patients suffering from Chron’s Disease often find patchy areas within their mouth, and IBS patients are more likely to have swollen gums and lips.
  • Whitening Products – If you use whitening strips or gels, these commonly cause gum irritation and teeth sensitivity. This is due to the bleaching agents used in most over-the-counter whitening products. When not used correctly, these bleaching agents can chemically burn your gums, which causes oral mucosal peeling similar to low-pH toothpaste. We recommend scheduling a whitening appointment with us or ensuring your gums don’t come in contact with whitening products.
  • Orthodontic Appliances – Orthodontic appliances such as braces will rub and irritate the inside of your mouth when first placed. Over time the oral mucosal that ribs against your braces will be calloused, reducing the chance of your gums peeling.
  • Lichen Planus – Oral lichen planus causes flaky and crusty white patches to develop inside your mouth. These patches can be itchy and even painful. While they’re not contagious, they usually don’t go away. We recommend scheduling an appointment with us to go over treatment options.
  • Oral Cancer or Precancerous Tissue – Scheduling an oral cancer screening is highly recommended whenever you notice sores or peeling gums. We recommend having your gums tested to be safe rather than sorry.


 A Woman in Severing with teeth Pain gets a Treatment from the Dentist at S&C dental in Scottsdale AZ.

What’s the Best Treatment for Oral Mucosal Peeling?

One of the best and most effective ways to treat oral mucosal peeling is to treat the issue’s root. Before we do that, it’s essential to understand the structure of gum tissue. Your gums have two layers, an outer epithelium layer, and an inner connective tissue layer. The outer layer protects your oral health, while the inner layer ensures your teeth remain anchored to your gums and jaw. Preventative cleanings and care best treat oral mucosal peeling. Maintaining good oral hygiene should be part of your daily habits. This helps prevent gum disease, decay, and other oral health concerns. Beyond practicing good oral habits, here are some professional treatments for peeling gums:

  • Scaling and Root Planing – This is also known as deep cleanings. Deep cleanings are a standard procedure that helps patients suffering from gum disease. Scaling is when plaque and tartar buildups are removed from the tooth’s surface and just below the gum line. Root planing is a procedure designed to smooth out the surface of the tooth’s root so the gum can easily reattach to the tooth. When completed, inflammation and swelling are reduced, which helps stops gums from peeling.
  • Antibiotics – Medication may be beneficial if the issue is due to a bacterial infection. Antibiotics are taken via pills or applied directly to the affected gums.
  • Gum Graft Surgery – We may recommend this treatment option when your gums are severely damaged and cannot be restored through traditional treatments. This procedure attaches a small piece of tissue from another section of your mouth to the affected areas. This will help protect the exposed root while encouraging new tissue growth.
  • Laser Therapy – Laser therapy is a new advancement in dental treatments for several dental issues. This procedure uses lasers to remove diseased gum tissue while promoting healthy tissue growth. Laser therapy is less invasive than traditional gum surgeries and requires less time to complete.
How to Fix Receding Gums?

Receding gums are another side effect and symptom of peeling gums. When your gums pull back from the tooth, they expose your tooth roots, creating gaps between your gum and teeth. Bacteria can gather and fester in these gaps and cause periodontal disease. Most patients don’t realize they have receding gums until it’s already occurring and noticeable. Several signs of receding gums include red or swollen gums, bad breath, mouth sores, and more. Poor oral health or bacterial infections are the most common causes of receding gums. Like peeling gums, prevention is the best treatment option, but here are other professional treatment options:

  • Deep Cleaning – Routine deep cleanings can help address receding gums. Depending on the severity of the issue, we may apply an antibiotic gel to help clean and remove hard-to-reach bacteria.
  • Surgery – Two surgeries are available to treat receding gums, bone regeneration, and tissue grafts. Bone regeneration is necessary if you’ve lost bone and gum tissue. It’s performed similarly to deep cleaning, but the material is added to your tooth root, encouraging the bone to regenerate and heal. Tissue grafts apply tissues to damaged gums which protects tooth roots.
Tips for Maintaining Good Oral Health

Practicing and maintaining excellent oral hygiene can help protect your teeth and gums against all issues. Oral hygiene is preventative care, which allows you to stop issues from even starting. Further, your oral health is linked to the health of your whole body. Here are some additional tips and recommendations for maintaining excellent oral health:

  • Brush Your Teeth Twice Daily
  • Floss Once a Day
  • Brush Your Tongue
  • Use Antibacterial Mouthwash Daily
  • Schedule Regular Dental Cleanings
  • Avoid Tobacco
Let Us Help Treat Your Peeling Gums

While peeling gums usually indicate additional oral concerns, they are easily treatable if caught early. Taking care of your gums requires consistent effort. Brushing twice daily, flossing once daily, and scheduling a cleaning at least every six months are great ways to prevent gum peeling. However, if you notice occasional peeling, we recommend not ignoring it and scheduling an appointment as soon as possible. Our highly trained staff will work with you to identify and treat the root cause. Learn more about our treatment options by reaching out today!